Terms and Conditions of Service

Whilst our approach to business is one of ease and flexibility it is still necessary to have some terms and conditions in place, which we've summarised below for all services.

We're not Ogres at First Impression Auto Valeting. We're not out to push the price up and up as much as possible.

We believe in being fair.

You may think your car looks horrendous inside and out whereas, due to our experience, we may think that its condition isn't that bad.

You may be surprised.

But, if there is soiling which really is excessive such as a large volume of dog hairs or worse it may take us additional time to ensure your vehicle is left in a condition that meets our high standards and this may incur additional costs.

Should this be required, any additional costs will always be agreed in advance of the work being completed to ensure that you and First Impression Auto Valeting are happy.


Booking a service

In order to book Machine Polishing we will require a deposit of 20%.

This will ensure that the date that's most convenient for you, is definitely reserved and prevents us from losing a slot that I could have provided to another customer.

We will contact you the day prior to your booking. We'll also contact you to let you know we're on our way to you.

There's nothing worse than waiting and waiting and not knowing if a tradesperson is going to actually turn up.

If, once you've booked the date your circumstances change and you need to change the date we'll understand.

Just call or message us.

However if you do cancel within 14 days of the agreed date we do reserve the right to retain your deposit.

Please don't think its the end of the world though. Call or message us and we'll make every effort to help you.


Weather conditions

Likewise there may be reasons that prevent First Impression Auto Valeting from taking care of your car, such as snow or rain. These are things we can't do much about however we do check the local weather every day and with your agreement we will re-book to the earliest possible date. However we can't accept any responsibility or liability arising from cancellations due to the weather conditions.


Dissatisfaction or Damage

Prior to your service we will make an examination of your vehicle for any damage or other matters which we feel need to be bought to your attention

Once your service is complete we will take you round your vehicle again. Once we've finished please be assured we won't rush you. Take your time and make sure you're happy. If there is something your not happy with we will rectify it immediately, or you if believe that we have caused any damage please just tell us. The best time to say is at the time or in any case within 24 hours.

First Impression Auto Valeting are fully insured and for both Public Liability and Accidental Damage.

We can provide evidence of Public Liability and Accidental Damage Insurance on demand.


Invoicing and Payment

Payment is due on receipt of your First Impression Auto Valeting invoice which will be sent to you as a pdf on completion of any service .

Our bank details are included on our invoice to ease payment.

In all cases, payment is expected to be received within 7 days of the invoice date however should any monies still be outstanding after 14 days First Impression Auto Valeting reserves the right to charge additional sums for the recovery of any debt.